Welcome to our pack website! Whether you are new to scouting, new to Pack 227, or a returning scout, this website has everything you need to know about our pack. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.


Kindergarten – LION
First Grade – TIGER
Second Grade – WOLF
Third Grade – BEAR
Fourth Grade – WEBELOS
Fifth Grade - ARROW OF LIGHT

The Lion Den (Den 4) is for Cub Scouts who are in kindergarten. Each Lion scout must be accompanied by a Lion Adult Partner (usually a parent) during all activities.

  • We will need a Den Leader for this den!

The Tiger Den (Den 3) is for Cub Scouts who are in first grade. Each Tiger scout must be accompanied by a Tiger Adult Partner (usually a parent) during all activities.

  • Our Tiger Den Leaders are Nishith Trivedi and Sansan Murray.

The Wolf Den (Den 2) is for Cub Scouts who are in second grade.

  • Our Wolf Den Leader is Denise Ratiu.
  • Our Wolf Assistant Den Leader is Cynthia Deignan.

The Bear Den (Den 1) is for Cub Scouts who are in third grade.

  • Our Bear Den Leader is Bryant Yang, and we are recruiting another leader for this den!


The Webelos Den (Den 5) is for Cub Scouts in fourth grade. "Webelos" stands for "WE'll BE LOyal Scouts!"

  • Our Webelos Den Leaders are Matt Hipp and Jennie Finerty.


The Arrow of Light Den is for Cub Scouts in fifth grade. This den will be selecting a Patrol Name in Fall 2024.

  • Our Arrow of Light Den Leader is Mike Best.
  • Our Arrow of Light Assistant Den Leader is Josh Deignan.